The Joyful Sounds Quartet is a Gospel singing group bringing you the old-time songs, plus some new ones, with a Southern Gospel flavor. The group is comprised of: Baritone - Dave Price Jr, Lead - Don Rutherford, Tenor - Joe Renshaw, and Bass/Sound Tech - Austin Price. Their ministry is to sing and encourage God's people in a day when it is sorely needed. They have made many friends as they travel from place to place.
"We all enjoy doing what God has called us to do. It is fun to relax and watch Him take care of our needs, just as He promised. We believe when God calls us to a ministry, He will make a way for us to do it. The Joyful Sounds want to spread the joy of the Lord in the hearts of people as they hear the words and music of our songs. Please pray for us as we seek God's will for our ministry and as we endeavor to share the joy of the Lord through the songs we sing.