The Heart of Our Heavenly Father

What are fathers like? It’s a question with a range of answers, shaped by our individual experiences. Some may say, “Fathers are loving,” while others might add, “They’re protective” or “They guide us.” But the reality is, fathers can vary greatly. Some are close to their children, while others remain distant. One father may be patient and joyful, while another is stressed and hurtful.

No matter what your experience with fathers has been, Jesus helps us redefine the concept of fatherhood in the New Testament. He said, "If you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" (Matthew 7:11). Wait a minute—does this mean Jesus is calling our earthly dads “evil”? What is He saying?

As humans, we often compare our experiences with what we see around us. It's easy for children to compare their dads to each other. But Jesus invites us to compare our earthly fathers to our Heavenly Father. When we do this, even the best earthly dads fall short. In comparison to God’s goodness, they are flawed. God, our Heavenly Father, is the essence of Fatherhood, while our earthly dads are mere shadows of His perfection.

So, what is God’s heart like? Let’s explore a few truths that reveal His character:

  1. God is merciful and compassionate. He is slow to anger, filled with unfailing love, and eager to show mercy. Psalm 103, Exodus 34, and Jonah 4 all highlight God’s compassionate nature. Jesus, as the exact image of the invisible God, demonstrated this deep compassion for the lost. God’s heart is not one of quick anger but one of grace and forgiveness.

  2. God desires to be sought and found. In Acts 17:25-27, Paul tells us that God placed us where we are so that we would search for Him. God is near, not distant. Just like when I come home and my kids eagerly greet me, God delights in being sought. He doesn’t remain hidden but longs for us to pursue a relationship with Him. He enjoys the process of being found by those who earnestly seek Him.

  3. God desires the wicked to be saved. Ezekiel 18:23, 2 Peter 3:9-10, and 1 Timothy 2:4-6 all reflect God’s heart for the salvation of sinners. He does not delight in the destruction of the wicked. This is why, before the foundation of the world, He planned for the coming of a Mediator—Jesus Christ, who would make salvation possible for all who believe.

  4. God loves sinners and wants to be friends with them through Jesus. Romans 5:6-11 paints a beautiful picture of how God reconciled us to Himself through Jesus. Through the cross, God and Jesus are united in a desire to offer friendship and new life to those who accept the invitation.

  5. God wants to give you a new life and send you to share it. 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 reminds us that, as Christians, we are not meant to keep God’s love to ourselves. We are ambassadors of the good news. God wants to use us to call others to be reconciled to Him.

  6. God’s love transcends all boundaries. Revelation 7:9-17 reveals that people from every tribe, tongue, and nation will worship God together in heaven. The gospel is for all people, and as followers of Christ, we are called to share that message with everyone, no matter their background.

So, where do you fit into all of these truths? Have you trusted in God’s love and come back to Him through Jesus? Are you drawing closer to His heart? God wants you to seek Him. And what about those around you who don’t yet know Him? How can you be a light to them and introduce them to Jesus?

May you be encouraged to follow after our Savior, drawing near to God’s heart as you grow in your relationship with Him. God bless you as you seek Him and share His love with others.